Hell Hath No Hurry went well. And recovery has been swift. That downtime where a runner can not run is dangerous as I learned.

At the end of HHNH I realized that if I could tackle that course under the conditions we had that day I could train and run a 50 miler in good conditions with a generous time allowance. Or the other option would be to sign up for the Burning River 50 miler that is 3 weeks away with no distance specific training.

I think you know what option I chose. I am not saying it is smart or that I would recommend it to anyone, but the thrill of not knowing is calling. I need to find out if I can make the cutoff with the base level I have.  In the coming 2 weeks I willl be building off of the finish at HHNH and crosstraining areas I found to be weak in that race.  Adductors and the Vastus Medialis need the most work with some supplemental core work. That aside I am looking at long back to back trail runs the next two weeks. This week 18+ miles each day and next week something around 30 and 15. Then a solid taper. 

I hope that these back to backs will strengthen me , but also give me confidence for race day.