I’m 7 weeks into training with big race events on weeks 15,17,21, and week 24 wraps it all up with the Hell Hath No Hurry 50k trail race. I have logged about 170 miles in the first 6 weeks and am feeling good….hungry, but good.

I have been looking to get more involved in the local running community and as a step in that direction I’ve been pacing at the Steel City Road Runner’s (SCRR) group runs for a few weeks. It’s a great opportunity to help out an organization I love and to meet new running friends.

Two weekend’s past the long run was the SCRR Half Marathon Training kickoff run. There was a great turnout. It didn’t hurt that the weather was very nice for February in Pennsylvania. I led the 9:30 pace group for 10 miles. The route overlapped some sections of the Pittsburgh Marathon including the big hill climb from the Birmingham Bridge up Forbes into Oakland.  This is the hardest climb on the Marathon route. For us, it was 2-3 miles into our run. Race day it will be around mile 11. The weather was great and the run was mostly effortless. Gotta love those runs that click!

Last weekend I paced the 10:00 cool kids for 16 miles. Aside from entirely missing the turn onto Craig Street and subsequently 5th things went according to plan. Because of that little missed turn we had the pleasure of climbing the Bob O’Connor hill which had as much gain as the Birmingham-Forbes climb into Oakland, just in less distance. The slippery snow proved an extra challenge and by the end of the run I was squarely wiped out.

Training is on track and warmer weather is just around the corner, but until then I am missing my Sunday trail runs! C’mon Old Man Winter…we have had enough.

Fundraising began for the Epilepsy Foundation! As a person with Epilepsy, the Foundation’s work has been very important in my life.  Epilepsy is very prevalent. Over 65 million people worldwide are diagnosed and 1 in 26 people in America will be diagnosed with Epilepsy at some point in their lives.

Donate at least $22 before March 3rd and get entered to win a rubber band! (and an iPad mini, but who cares…rubber band!!)

Please Go Here to check out my page and give anything you can.

And now through March 3rd, if you give at least $22, you’ll be entered to win an iPad Mini. You’ll probably win.

Click Here for all the contest rules. And if you have any questions please Email Us and we’ll get back to you right away.